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Young adults need your help today! #GivingTuesday

Teens and young adults have access to more technology, information and opportunities than any previous generation ever and yet they're the one struggling the most

Yes, unfortunately it’s true. The current teen / young adult generation – also known as post-Millenials or the iGen generation – in many ways have opportunities the likes that our grandparents and even our parents could never have imagined, AND YET:

- They're experiencing more anxiety and depression and tending towards suicide more than ever before;

- They’re socializing less, from dating to simply hanging out with friends;

- They’re learning to drive and driving later, if at all;

- They’re working less (and therefore less adept at money management);

- They’re living at home for longer;

- They’re feeling more left out and lonely. (See source 1 below)

If this weren't disheartening enough, just look at the stats:


The constant presence of the internet, particularly social media,

is changing the the behavior and attitudes of today's teens. (1)

Jean Twenge is a Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University and her latest book is

iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood – and What That Means for the Rest of Us

(You can find it on amazon here:

The cumulative effect of all of this?

Young adults are more unhappy than ever before and they’re also growing up more slowly than ever before. If "childhood now stretches well into high school," what is young adulthood? (1)

Now magnify all this to the number of young adults (aged 19-25) there are in the United States today (2):

29.8 million

Yes, that's 29.8 MILLION!

Some of those 29.8 million young adults are thriving, but a lot of them are not. For example, of young adults aged 20-24, 2.2 million of them are ‘disconnected’ (meaning they are not working or in school). (3)

And even for ‘connected’ young adults, it’s actually harder for them to transition into and through young adulthood as we’ve seen in the trends above.

To all of these young adults we say:

“We’re here to help!”

This is where Thrive Nation’s personalized, one-on-one coaching has the power to change minds, change behavior and change lives, all for the better.

We know that coaching works. In a work context, professional coaching improves work performance, time management, team effectiveness and business management. It also enhances self-confidence, communication skills, life/work balance, and work relationships. (4)

Imagine how your own life might have been different if you had had a coach when you were a young adult. How might it have been better if you’d had a coach to help you navigate the uncertainty, newness, obstacles and challenges of young adulthood, identify what success, happiness and thriving looked like for you and take action to set and achieve your goals?

And imagine now what it would be like for a young adult in today’s world to benefit from some of Thrive Nation’s one-on-one, personalized coaching.

We know that every young adult can thrive – with passion and accountability for their talents, wellness, community and future – and one by one, we intend to build a whole nation of Thrivers.

So please join us today, Giving Tuesday, and give the gift

of coaching to a young adult in need.

One 8-week, 8-session, one-on-one, personalized coaching package

costs $1,280, so any amount small or big today will help us reach

another and another and another of our 28.9 million young adults!

Simply go here to donate today.

One Nation. Thrive Nation.






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